George Yule Part 5

1. Synthetic speech, based on the reproduction of individual phonemes, …


2. Two basic processes in artificial intelligence are … parsing


3. The name of one particular understander-system in artificial intelligence (one which intends to simulate interaction in psychotherapy) is …


4. The anterior speech cortex of the brain, generally assumed to be involved in the production of speech, is also known as …


5. The impairment of language function due to a localised brain damage is technically called …


6. An experimental technique which has demonstrated that the language functions are usually located in the left hemisphere of the brain is called …


7. The period which is often believed to be most suited for the acquisition of language is called …


8. The simplified style adopted by someone who spends much time interacting with young children is called …


9. The stage at which children use a single word as a phrase or sentence is called …


10. The process in first language acquisition which produces forms such as mans and foots is called …


11. The form … tends to be the first to appear in first language acquisition.


12. In first language acquisition, … is acquired rather late.


13. An often quoted example of someone whose works have become classics of English literature but who retained a strong foreign accent to the end of his life is that of the writer …


14. The term affective filter is used in second language acquisition to refer to …


15. A teaching method that was strongly influenced by the belief that language learning is the formation of a set of habits is …


16. A teaching method which involves the systematic use of the language laboratory is …


17. A teaching method which focuses on function rather than on form is …


18. When a student´s language fails to develop any further you speak of …


19. The term interlanguage is used to refer to …


20. The term negative transfer is used to refer to …


21. ASL (American Sign Language) …


22. The four … of ASL are shape, movement, orientation and location.


23. Signs in ASL are usually …