Below you find the numerals from 1 to 5 from 12 existing languages. Some of these languages are related, they belong to one language family. The other languages do not belong to this family. On the basis of these data only, can you make a guess which of these languages are related and which aren’t?
Note: Not all these languages use the Latin alphabet, so in some cases this is just an (imperfect) way to represent the pronunciation of these words in the foreign language with the help of a writing system familiar to us.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
L1 | en | twene | thria | fiuwar | fif |
L2 | jedyn | dwaj | tři | štyri | pjeć |
L3 | i | liang | san | ssu | wu |
L4 | eka | dvau | trayas | catur | pañca |
L5 | ichi | ni | san | shi | go |
L6 | echad | shnayim | shlosha | arba?a | chamishasha |
L7 | mot | hai | ba | bon | nam |
L8 | ün | duos | trais | quatter | tschinch |
L9 | hana | tul | set | net | tasŏt |
L10 | yaw | daw | dree | tsaloor | pindze |
L11 | uno | dos | tres | cuatro | cinco |
L12 | nigen | khoyar | ghorban | durben | tabon |
» Solution