In spoken language, stand is the most frequent, endure the least frequent, in written language, bear is the most frequent, stand the least frequent.
As there (almost) always seems to be some kind of difference, some linguists claim there isn’t anything like absolute synonymy. Certainly, it is, if it exists, extremely rare. There is, however, something like complete synonymy. In general, the term is used rather more loosely to refer to all words which are similar in meaning.
Here is an exercise in identifying synonyms. Which of the following verbs are synonyms? Note: it is sometimes two, sometimes three or more words that belong together.
- bash
- beat
- begin
- cast
- commence
- close
- conceal
- hide
- hit
- hop
- jump
- launch
- leap
- punch
- shut
- smack
- skip
- spring
- start
- throw
- thump
» Solution