George Yule Part 1

1. The term onomatopoeic is used to describe …


2. The vocal chords are situated in …


3. The function of language to pass on information is called …


4. The merit of the yo-heave-ho theory is that it …


5. The main problem when dealing with the theories of the origin of human language is that …


6. The term lateralised is used to say that the human brain …


7. The oldest cave drawings are about …


8. Ancient cave drawings …


9. The … writing system is an example of cuneiform writing.


10. Ideograms are …


11. In … writing, the symbol of one entity is also used to refer to the sound of that entity in other contexts.


12. Cyrillic writing is …


13. The spelling of written English was largely fixed …


14. Communicative signals, as opposed to informative signals, …


15. The ability of human language to refer to things not present in the immediate environment is called …


16. The relationship between linguistic form and meaning is …


17. … has the longest continuous history of use as a writing system.


18. In logograms, the relationship between the symbol and what is represents is …


19. The chimpanzee has … of its basic genetics in common with humans.


20. Noam Chomsky …