George Yule Part 2

1. The initial sounds in the words bat, pat and mat are all…


2. The initial sounds in the words thin and there are…


3. The initial sounds in the words tip, dip, zoo, so and nut are all …


4. The initial sounds in the words too and so differ in …


5. The initial sounds in the words we and yes are sometimes called …


6. The vowel in heat is a …


7. The first vowel in award is a …


8. The vowel in large is a …


9. In producing …, we move from one vocalic position to another.


10. A phoneme is …


11. The initial consonant in pub is a …


12. The initial consonant in key is a …


13. The initial consonant in veil is a …


14. If the production of a sound is accompanied by a particularly strong stream of air we speak of …


15. The vowel in seen, as opposed to the vowel in seat, is usually …


16. The words … form a minimal pair.


17. The words … form a minimal pair.


18. The occurrence of more than one consonant at the beginning or the end of a a syllabe is known as …


19. Assimilation and elision