George Yule Part 6

1. William Jones based his hypothesis of the relationship between what later came to be known as ´Indo-European languages´ on a comparison between …


2. Which language belongs to the Indo-European language family?


3. Which two languages do not belong to the Indo-European language family?


4. Which Indo-European language has most native speakers?


5. Words from two languages which are, or used be, similar in form and meaning (such as mother and Mutter) are called …


6. Which of the following sound changes is the most likely to happen?


7. The language of Shakespeare belongs to the … period.


8. In the two hundred years from … the sound of English underwent a substantial change.


9. The word … exemplifies a process known as broadening of meaning.


10. Dealing with language from the historical perspective of change through time is dealing with language …


11. The term dialect refers to a variety with its own features in the area(s) of …


12. The boundary line which can be drawn between any two areas with respect to one language feature is called …


13. A … is a language which was developed as a ´compromise´ between speakers who did not share a common language.


14. … is officially a bilingual country.


15. Investigating the norms and expectations of a speech community with regards to language is the concern of …


16. In a famous experiment carried out in New York, Labov found that social class and the pronunciation of … were related.


17. Labov carried out this experiment in three different …


18. Recent research in gender differences in language claims to have found out that men … than women.


19. BEV (Black English Vernacular) is characterised by the frequent absence of …


20. The dialect of each individual speaker is called …


21. The theory of linguistic determinism claims that …


22. ´We dissect nature along the lines laid down for us by our native languages´ is a quotation from the works of …


23. The common properties shared by all languages are called …