Fußball ist ein Spiel für Gentlemen, das von Proleten gespielt wird; Rugby ist ein Spiel für Proleten, das von Gentlemen gespielt wird.
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Tag Archives: Korrektur
Lovely day for a stout
Some time ago a colleague, checking a text I had written, spotted a spelling mistake in a passage in which I had referred to an advertising slogan: Guiness is good for you. The colleague pointed out the Guinness is spelt … Continue reading
Posted in Leben, Schreibung, Sprache
Tagged Böll, Fehler, Guinness, Irland, Korrektur, Werbung
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Asian competitiveness
In language teaching classes, German students tend to see that it makes sense to use different form of correction such as teacher-correction, peer-correction or self-correction. Of the three, peer-correction tends to be the less popular. A Korean student, during an … Continue reading