Who the hell is Elfe?

In the English translation of the Brother Grimms’ fairy tales there is one with the title “Clever Elfe”. I wondered what this was. Is this about an elf? But then, what about the spelling? Was this perhaps an older form of the spelling? And if an elf was meant, wouldn’t there be an article in the title? So I thought that it was more likely that Elfe was just a proper name. However, I had never heard of such a name in German, but then again, it might just be a name which has fallen from use. Reading the story, it became obvious that it was meant to be a proper name. Some time afterwards, having forgotten all about it, I came across the fairy tale in an article written in German, and here it was referred to as “Die kluge Else”. Then it dawned on me: The English translator must have read the German text in an older script which is not in use any longer and in which two different signs for <s> are used, depending on its position in the word. In this script, Else would look like Elfe, something like “Clever Else”, the <s> somehow resembling an <f>, and that was how the new name was created.

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